
Araneida is distributed as an ASDF System. If you have a properly installed recent (0.8) SBCL, and you're on the Internet, do

* (require 'asdf)
* (require 'asdf-install)
* (asdf-install:install :araneida)
to download, install, compile and load. Once compiled, you can reload Araneida in future sessions with just (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'araneida). Now skip forward to the Use section

If your target system is not sufficiently on the Internet for this to work, you may have to do a little more manual work:

  1. You need an SBCL that has asdf loaded into it. In SBCL 0.8 or later, asdf is bundled and you should just be able to type (require 'asdf) to ensure this is the case.
  2. From your favourite cCLan mirror, download net-telent-date, split-sequence and araneida, and untar them somewhere (for simplicity, have them share a common parent directory)
  3. Create symlinks to the unpacked .asd files in a directory on your asdf *central-registry* list. For example
    * asdf::*central-registry*
    (*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* "/home/dan/src/defsystems/")
    $ cd /home/dan/src/defsystems/
    $ ln -s ../telent/araneida/araneida.asd ../telent/net-telent-date/net-telent-date.asd ../telent/db-sockets/db-sockets.asd .
  4. You should now be able to compile and load the systems with
    * (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'araneida)
  5. If that gave you error messages, another system dependency was probably added since these instructions were last updated. Grab the extra package from cclan and add it in much the same way, then report this bug in the documentation.
  6. Congratulations. It's now working.


Oh, you wanted to be able to actually use it? Load Araneida with

(require 'asdf)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'araneida)
then compile and load doc/example.lisp in the source distribution. For more information, study that file carefully and read the rest of this documentation.

Point your browser at to test

If you want to use Araneida mod_proxy (generally recommended), you have to configure that too. Configuring Apache is Outside The Scope of these instructions, but as a start, here are the relevant lines from my Debian laptop:

LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
Include /etc/apache.conf.include

For more information on using a reverse proxy in front of Araneida, see the Listeners documentation.